A loan of $325 helped to restock her store with items like canned goods, oil, and soy sauce.

Dr. Joe Johnson helped fund a microloan to Elizabeth, a retailer in the Philippines.

Here is Elizabeth’s Story


In the heart of the city of Dipolong in the Philippines, lies a small convenience store that is owned by Elizabeth, a member of the microfinance cooperative PMPC. As a member of the organization, she takes great care in ensuring that she pays all her obligations with the money she earns from running the store.

As a member of the PMPC, Elizabeth applied recently applied for a loan to help her restock the shelves of her store with consumables such as soy sauce, oil and canned goods among other products. Restocking her shelves should help her stay in business and thus enable her to support herself better in the future.

Funding Partners
The loan was administered locally by the Paglaum Multi-Purpose Cooperative (PMPC), which was founded in 1992 to help address the economic and social issues that plague the northwestern provinces of Mindanao and Visayas. Just like its name – Paglaum means hope in local vernacular – the foundation has helped to bring hope to thousands of people, and is slowly working towards building a self-reliant society that is able to expand its opportunities. This will give even the poorest of the poor the ability to help themselves and elevate themselves out of the poverty that they are surrounded by.

Dr. Johnson, through Kiva and PMPC, helped Elizabeth by fully financing her loan. Through these organizations, Dr. Johnson and people like him are helping to change the lives of hundreds of families, and ensuring that they can make a better life for themselves.

This is mainly because both Kiva and PMPC share the same goals, to provide microfinance services to those who need them the most. Kiva helps by bringing people together, while PMPC pinpoints needy people on the ground who individuals like Dr. Johnson can then provide with loans.

The loan of $325 that Elizabeth received from Dr. Johnson has gone a long way in helping her realize her dream of restocking her store. If you would like to help transform someone’s life in the same way, visit Kiva.org, and take a look at the list of thousands of loans that need immediate funding. You can change a person’s life this way.

1. This article is based on https://www.kiva.org/lend/998061

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