Trust the process: Due diligence in commercial real estate investment

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In acquiring commercial real estate property, a step-by-step process must be conscientiously followed. This can ensure that the needs and objectives of the investment can be identified and accomplished. Unique risks are embedded in the acquisition of commercial property, and only diligence and strategy can prevail over these.

Joe Johnson, founder of Mercy Real Estate and Welfont Group, has been an active commercial real estate investor for more than a dozen years. He has extensive experience in purchasing real estate properties and facilities, and turning those around in the generation of significant profits and substantial returns on investment.

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He employs an acquisition process that considers the investor’s risk profile, hands-on involvement, knowledge expertise, potential, and liquidity preferences.

Researching prospective candidates is the first step in the commercial real estate investment process. A personal or company profile of the investor or buyer is also prepared, which is effectively communicated to sellers. The ideal match between prospective buyers and sellers is then drawn up.

Due diligence is necessary to make sure that all things are in order. There is a stipulated period where property inspection and valuation, assessment of market information and environmental conditions, and review of pertinent documents are conducted.

Dr. Joe Johnson is a renowned entrepreneur, investor, and startup expert. He is also a family man, blessed with an amazing wife and six wonderful children. To know more about him and his business insights, visit this website.

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