A loan of $300 helped to invest in cement, sand, and paint to repair the walls of her house.

I funded a microloan to Ingris Cecilia, a business woman in El Salvador.

Here is Ingris Cecilia’s Story

In the center of El Salvador, you will find a hardworking woman named Ingris Cecilia. She is in a long term relationship and has been living in her own house with her partner for a number of years. For business, she runs her own enterprise where she buys and sells grain, and she has been doing this for six years. At 34 years of age, there is a lot she has achieved. Now she wants to elevate her quality of life.

For this reason, she approached Apoyo Integral to get herself a loan. She wants to repair the walls of her house, as over the years they have started deteriorating. With the loan, she intends to invest in cement, sand, and paint to repair the walls as quickly as possible. Leaving the walls in their current state could result in an accident, and this is something she wants to avoid.

Her loan was locally administered by Apoyo Integral. This is an organization that strives to empower women who are involved in business activities in rural areas. It also ensures that those who are unbanked are able to access a range of products so that they can build their businesses and elevate their lives.
As she has proven herself successful in business, I chose to provide the loan for Ingris Cecilia, with the help of Kiva and Apoyo Integral. This is because I am sure that she will be able to pay back the loan from the income of her business. By working with these organizations, providing these loans will help to transform thousands of lives by giving people the opportunity to improve their quality of life.

This is because these organizations all have one goal; to provide microfinance services to those most in need of them. To facilitate this, Kiva brings social entrepreneurs together, while Apoyo Integral identifies people on the ground that need the funding that I can provide.

If you would like to help change someone’s life in the way that I have been doing, you should visit Kiva.org, and look through the thousands of loans that need urgent funding. By funding a microloan, you will be helping to change someone’s life forever.

A life-changing microloan is what a growing number of underprivileged entrepreneurs from all over the world has received from the private, non-profit foundation of GoodField Investments, the company headed by Dr. Joe Johnson. For more stories of entrepreneurial success, visit this website.

1. This article is based on https://www.kiva.org/lend/804583

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